Constructing a Syllabus
Departments have template, format followed.
Idea of template if not template, make own.
Syllabi as magazines, rejected.
Standardized as clarity for students, course description comes from program coordinator.
If you make substantial course changes, it has to go through curriculum action committee, curriculum action proposal.
Puts new course to faculty, faculty vote, goes to committee and provost.
Student learning outcomes come from accrediting body. Nasad. Particular goals and student outcomes in order to stay accredited.
Grading scale department wide, sometimes college wide. Fine art department has grading scale.
Materials and text is instructor, must be able to justify for material content. All text has to be reported to bookstore. Bookstore contacts authors for reproduction. CYA. Makes it easier for students with aid packages. Desk copy is a free copy from publisher/author. Will ask what university works for.
Safety, Osha law expert. Covid regulations, pandemic procedures.
Lab fees, proposed by instructor and approved by chair. Individual or group course owed.
Department wide policy with specifics added by professors. Attendance.
Weekly plans, syllabi according to law have to be publicly available. On discretion as instructor to make syllabus detailed, relinquishing intellectual property. MOOC, open content, master class, take class whenever wanted. Build offshore websites.
ADA, should include in syllabi, updated statements.
Lab hours + assistants come from 1 person, point of contact of assistants.
Rubrics from student learning outcomes, broad, should be aligned. If not rubric, have on syllabus what is used. If verbal critique, state.
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